Sunday, December 26, 2010

Season of Giving

The Kindergarten students at Chets Creek this year decided that our Season of Giving project would be to collect diapers for Helping Hands Diaper Center. We were amazed by the outpouring of support to all of the families who chose to donate to this worthy cause. We were so proud of the amount that we were able to collect and the workers at Helping Hands were amazed by the number of diapers that we were able to donate. As always the families at Chets Creek are always willing to assist in helping those in need. What a wonderful way to celebrate the Season of Giving. Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Long Time No See

Oh my goodness. It has been a long time since we have posted. There have been so many exciting things that we have been doing. We have participated in the Literary Parade at the end of October. Each of the children dressed up as their favorite literary character. We spent all of November studying the Seminole Tribe and learning about their traditions and culture. We culminated that unit of study with all of Kindergarten as we celebrated Pow Wow. The children performed Native American Dances and sang Native American songs. The children spent the rest of the day traveling from station to station, learning, playing, singing tasting and listening. It was an amazing day.

We are quickly approaching Winter Break. Many exciting activities to come. We will be celebrating Polar Express day with our jammies and making home made doughnuts.