Mrs. Phillips (Our Awesome Principal) came to our class to read a book. The book was called The Leprechaun's Gold, written by Pamela Duncan Edwards and illustrated by Henry Cole. Mrs. Phillips told us that they had both been visitors to Chets Creek Elementary. It is one of Mrs. Phillips' favorite books. The book was a former Book of the Month. The book was addressed to "Susan",(Mrs. Phillips)and was autographed by the author and illustrator. She asked us questions as she read the story to us. Madeline says,"near the end of the book, the man (Old Pat) went away and the leprechauns made him a new harp out of the gold." Taryn says, "They made him a new harp because on his old one the other strings were broken." During the story Mrs. Phillips helped us learn the meaning of a new Vocabulary word. The word was "weary". "We now know that the word weary means,tired",says Yezen. Mrs. Phillips is a GREAT reader. "She also told us that she used to teach in our very own classroom",says Shane. Mrs Phillips admitted that our room is her favorite classroom in the building. She also stated that she loves to visit kindergarten. She used to be a kindergarten teacher. We loved having her in our room. We hope she will come back to read with us again.
This post written and created by the students in Mrs. Brown's and Mrs. Meissner's Class